> [!success] Intentionally Blank Gamecrafts
> **HAPPINESS Unlimited Designs, Developments, Productions, & Distributions**
> Abstract machines of happiness • [[TOY_Worlds|toy world]] kits, conceptual characters, props and [[Playthinking & Playthinging • kits for daydreaming+|playthings]] for [[Complex_ ThoughtExperiment. Utility & Environment|thought experiments]] • broken hearts gamification | Конструирование игрушечных миров и концептуальных персонажей для мысленных экспериментов • сборка абстрактных машин счастья • геймификация разбитых сердец
> *[[Hauntological Beyonds OS _ machines in ghosts|Hauntological Beyonds OS :: machines in ghosts]]*
> [[Nepobjédivi TJ]] @ **[[DANCINGSTARS.brand|DancingStars]]**.brand
## **[NIKITA STULIKOV](https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikitastulikov/)**
A designer and a professional MPhil in games. Egregia cum laude by [Moscow State University](https://philos.msu.ru/en) and excellent academic research in the field prove my knowledge and ambition to master gamecraft at [Conestoga Creative Industries](https://www.conestogac.on.ca/creative-industries) school.
[email protected]
![[NEPOBJEDIVI/моё зло зовётся непобедимым.png]]
![[NEPOBJEDIVI/Et in Arcadia Ego - ЗИМА 2022.jpeg]]
![[NEPOBJEDIVI/моё зло зовётся непобедимым.png]]
- **==NEW==** [[3D_III_Slingshot|A Slingshot for Dancing Stars]] (3D model :: Autodesk Maya)
- **==NEW==** [[Major_2T_IV_NoEscape|No Escape]] (Game :: Unity)
- ==**NEW**== [[Major_2S_III_HypercamouflageSubmarine_ToxicTropicVacation|Hypercamouflage Submarine @ Fortunate Isles]] (Game :: Unity)
- ==**NEW**== [[🌴3D_4W_FortunateIslesMaya|Fortunate Isles]] (3D model :: Autodesk Maya)
- ==**NEW**== [[EnvDes_S2W1-3_TwinPeaks_LevelMapDoc|Twin Peaks, Great Northern Hotel]] (Game Level Map)
- **==NEW==** [[DATA_W1_PacificDriveAnalysis|Pacific Drive - The Ontology of Ontological Anomalies]] (Data Analysis)
- ==**NEW**== [[MEDIA_W15.final___MIT_lightSpeed.review_analysis|MIT Questions the Relativity Theory with Computer Games]] (Review Analysis)
- ==**OUT OF STOCK**== [[Egglikes.genre 🐣|Are EGGLIKES real?]] | [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLmR3T0lnPw&ab_channel=Loikarin) (Essay)
- **==TBA==** [[(_IB_) Intentionally Blank (_IB_) • (_УмСв_) Умышленно Свободное (_УмСв_)|(_IB_)]], Intentionally Blank TOY.worlds productions
*How long do you like games to comprise games?*
##### **NARRATIVE** :: [[invincible_fantasy.NARRATIVES|TOY WORLDS ENGINEER]]
*Виражи добра и пике зла на пути к большему счастью*
##### **GAME SCIENCES** :: [[NEPOBJEDIVI/kindergarten_philosophy.SCIENCE|EXPERT & CONSULTANT]]
*A kindergarten [[φιλοσοφία • ФИЛОСОФИЯ • PHILOSOPHY aka the gay science of curatorship over death propaedeutic|philosopher]] against [[MODELS/MACHINARIUMSCAPES of GAME METAPHYSICS|the machinariumscapes of game metaphysics]]*
*A good colleague with a world of friends*
*Огнедышащее тело турбо-хэппи хардкора, вечно жги звездами зияния сердец!*
**KITS** @ IB ![[(_IB_)IntentionallyBlank_full_POSTER.model11111111111(_IB_).png]]
> [!question] ¿[[Сердцедёр / L'Arrache-cœur / The Heartsnatcher (Vian B., 1953)|HEARTSNATCHERS]] or [[MIND(_IB_)ATCHER • ВЫДИРАТЕЛЬ УМОВ|MIND(_IB_)ATCHERS]]?
> ![[IB/ХАОС_В_КРАСКАХ__CHAOS_in_rainbows.light_vers.jpg]]
> ***WIN'em all***
> <b> **==DEMO==**: [[MEDIA_W11_ESSAY_violence|Garage Heathen's MINDSNATCHING Who's Lila]] </b>
> <b> **==TBA==**: [[(_IB_) Intentionally Blank (_IB_) • (_УмСв_) Умышленно Свободное (_УмСв_)|(_IB_)]] </b>
> [!NOTE] ==SOON== [[A_NEW_JUNGLE_of_PLastiLiN_WorLdS|Тёмные Леса ПласТилиНОвых МирОв]]
> [!NOTE] ==SOON== [[🗞️.📝.🔦 Кому продать душу? Демонология корпоративной культуры|A Demonology of Corporate Culture (2023, eto_basis)]]
#### trivia
**best new**
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**a best**
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**last favorite [[Pokémon]]**
![[NEPOBJEDIVI/new toxic tropics • ещё один тёмный лес|new toxic tropics • ещё один тёмный лес]]